What Are Trapped Emotions

Let’s Talk About Emotions

What Are Trapped Emotions?

     So you’re wondering what a trapped emotion is? Basically a trapped emotion is an emotion that has not been fully processed.For example as a kid I was told often not to cry, or to stop crying. 

This habit of interruption created a process of not fully being able to feel those emotions in the moment, and possibly trapping these emotions.

Trapped emotions can happen from any event in our lives, usually from the more traumatic and overwhelming experiences we go through.

Sometimes in those moments we are so overwhelmed by what happened that we aren’t really sure even how to feel. We may distract ourselves so that we don’t feel them, or we may not have a moment to ourselves to sit with those feelings at that time.

What Can Be The Result Of These Trapped Or Unprocessed Emotions?

     Trapped emotions can result in stuck emotional energy, which can result in imbalances within the body’s energetic field. Over time these unprocessed emotions can build up creating a greater distortion within these fields. Our physical body is made up of energy, so as these emotional energies build up it can produce physical discomfort or disease within the body.

Physical discomfort can be a message from the body that is not in a balanced and harmonious state. As the body becomes more out of balance it could result in slower healing time, breakdown of organs, glands, joints, and tissues, maybe the feeling of getting older and other symptoms.

Trapped emotions can result in stuck emotional energy, which can result in imbalances within the body’s energetic field. 

Over time these unprocessed emotions can build up creating a greater distortion within these fields. Our physical body is made up of energy, so as these emotional energies build up it can produce physical discomfort or disease within the body. 

Physical discomfort can be a message from the body that is not in a balanced and harmonious state. As the body becomes more out of balance it could result in slower healing time, breakdown of organs, glands, joints, and tissues, maybe the feeling of getting older and other symptoms.

Another result from trapped emotions is the mental imbalances that could occur. These could be anything from Anxiousness, Sadness, Poor Focus, Feeling Stressed Or Overwhelmed, Food Relationships, Trust Issues, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem Issues, really whatever you could conceive of.

otions is the mental imbalances that could occur. These could be anything from Anxiousness, Sadness, Poor Focus, Feeling Stressed Or Overwhelmed, Food Relationships, Trust Issues, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem Issues, really whatever you could conceive of.

What Is The Correct Way Of Processing Emotions?

     Basically the way I understand processing emotions is like this.

1)First step is acknowledging the emotion. Recognizing what you are feeling, whether it’s happy, sad, overwhelmed, anxious, etc.

2)Second is sitting with that emotion. Feel what you need to with that emotion. If it’s a feeling of sadness, sit with it, cry if you must allow yourself to get comfortable with that emotion no matter how uncomfortable it may feel at first.

3)Third is trying to understand why you’re feeling the way you do about the emotion and the situation that created it. Maybe something was said that triggered you. Maybe it brought up feelings from your childhood, or a memory from your past. Whatever it may be, just try and figure out why you’re feeling the way you do.

4)Fourth is learning from the experience. Ask yourself what is this trying to teach me? Try to recognize the pattern and try to change it. Create a boundary if needed. Understand as well that the emotion will pass.

How Can Emotion Code Help With Trapped Emotions?

     The Emotion Code can help identify and release these unprocessed emotions, as well as emotions that we are no longer aware of. 

We know sometimes that we have these emotional blocks or this long term physical discomfort that we can’t seem to pinpoint or get to the bottom of. 

The Emotion code can help release those emotions associated with certain issues by asking the subconscious mind binary questions, so “yes” or “no” questions to pinpoint or hone in on the memory that was created. 

The Beautiful thing is we do not need to find out any more than is necessary about that memory, sometimes simply knowing that it was a trapped emotion of low self-esteem created at age 34 from an educational event can be enough to release that particular emotion. 

We are not required to go into detail or specifics about the event. Once The Emotion is released That particular emotion that was trapped from that specific event has been processed and dealt with and wont return. 

When This Is done we can feel lighter and more joyous, maybe feeling unstuck or unblocked with a particular issue, or in a physical sense there can be the possibility of the physical discomfort relieved allowing the body to heal on its own the way it was meant to.

Ascension Energy Healing

Energy work completed by Kevin Pokoyoway and Ascension Energy Healing is not a substitute for medical care or consultation. It is a supportive and integrative system for the intention of being complementary to treatment by a licensed health care provider. Ascension Energy Healing does not diagnose, treat, or cure. Please consult your physician for diagnosis or treatment.

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